Fill the application form below Select the role you are applying for: *Farm Supervisor(More than 1 submission results in automatic disqualification)First Name *Middle Name *Last Name *Detailed Current Address of Residence *(address should include house number and street name)Current State of Residence: *(example: Oyo, Lagos, Kaduna etc)Date of Birth *Religion *ChristianityIslamOthersEmail *Sex *MaleFemaleMarital Status *SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedMarried but separatedPhone *Years of Experience directly related to the role selected *(example: 2, 5, 0)Are you currently employed by another employer? *YesNoFirst Degree Course (e.g Chemistry, Biology etc.)Alternative Phone Number (optional) Highest Level of Education *No Formal EducationPrimary School CertificateSecondary School CertificateDiploma/ONDHND/Bachelor’s DegreePostgraduate Diploma (PGD) / Master’s DegreeDoctorate (PhD/DBA)How would you rate your overall computer skills? *BeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExpertAge at birthday in 2025 *How would you like to attend the interview? (select all options that apply to you) *In-PersonVirtual (Online)Phone InterviewWhat is the longest duration you have lived on the farm at a stretch? *(e.g 0 days, 5 days, 14 days, 30 days etc)Have you experienced, working with farm workers before? YesNoHow soon are you available to resume, if qualified? *Upload your CV * Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 1 files. MessageSubmit